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Sustainable travel is a complex subject.

It is increasingly important not only to have the right buzzwords on your website, but also to involve customers, employees and travellers in its implementation. We offer workshops and training materials while also implementing educational projects.


We use various online formats to educate around sustainable travel and responsible volunteering.

No matter if it’s for companies and employees, educational projects or seminars for young travelers who want to volunteer abroad.

For individual requests, please contact us.


Sustainable & Conscious Travel

Travel Preparation & Coming Back

Intercultural Communication

Volunteering Courses

Ethical Storytelling

Global Learning



Would you like to provide well-designed training or preparatory seminars for young volunteers, but lack the resources or skills?

Travel Industry

You are aware of your responsibility as a travel service provider and want to prepare your customers for their trip in the best possible way.

Start-ups and Companies

You want to raise awareness of sustainable travel among your employees. After all, it’s not just your customers who expect you to take personal responsibility for sustainability.

As a volunteer organisation that welcomes volunteers from all over the world, we believe in intercultural exchange and learning. We want our participants to understand the possibilities and limitations of their role and to come to Tanzania with a realistic attitude. Thanks to give & grow and Kathrin’s immense knowledge and experience, we can now offer online preparation seminars tailored to our organisation and raise our quality standards in the area of preparation enormously. Participants’ feedback is consistently positive and we are grateful to have found give & grow.

Kira Uher

Founder, STEP Africa

The give & grow workshop packed a lot of expertise and interaction into 90 minutes. It was a lot of fun and I now have a better overview of all the levels of sustainable travel and how to make my next trip more sustainable. Going through the whole process in a diverse group was very helpful.

Franziska Coenen

Founder & Managing Partner, dotfly

The workshop on intercultural communication gave us important food for thought to reflect on and question our work with many projects in different countries and from different cultural backgrounds. This knowledge base is an essential first step in breaking down communication barriers and achieving respectful and equal cooperation across national borders. Kathrin was very responsive to our individual questions and needs and made the workshop very enriching for everyone.

Alex Haufschild

Co-Founder, Socialbnb


Tourism-Lab: Educational methods for sustainable travel

Sustainable travel is becoming an increasingly important topic – also in the field of education. To strengthen local organisations in Germany and Spain and to develop effective materials to bring these issues closer to young people, give & grow is working with BluoVerda and Sende.

The project developed a five-week training programme, two workshops on sustainable tourism with young people, an online community and a methodological T-Lab toolkit for educational work in the field of sustainable tourism.

Tourism Lab workshop nachhaltiges reisen
funded by the EU Logo
Brot für die Welt Förderlogo

Sustainable Travel in Education

The social dimension of sustainability and people’s own attitudes and mindsets when travelling are rarely addressed. We are changing that with two educational videos and a workbook to accompany our concept: Mental Backpack.

Workshops in schools – Cologne

Funded and supported by the municipality of Cologne we organize workshops in schools on the topic: “Responsible and sustainable travel after school”.

The program SmartCity Cologne has the aim to sensitize and inspire young people to make responsible decisions for themselves and others while traveling. We also offer our digital-learning-platform to create a fun experience.

Smart City Cologne Logo
Umbrella Organization Nepal group picture youth training

Responsible Volunteering in  Nepal

Funded by the Synergy Program of ifa (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations), give & grow worked together with Umbrealla Organization Nepal.

The goal was to use both perspectives of Nepal and Germany to tackle the problems of volunteering with children in Nepal and share learning around this topic. One part of the project was to conduct workshops in Nepal with “Childcare Homes” an the topics of mindset, responsible Volunteering and child protection. The PDF learning document is the result of a collaboration sharing the most important tips on the topic.

ifa logo

Everything you need to know on Volunteering in Nepal

Download the docoment on sustainable travel and responsible volunteering for free.


live&learn is a socially oriented, family-run company that specialises in educational trips to South Africa. It offers tailor-made programmes in the form of volunteering, internships and sabbaticals. The number of participants is limited to 100 people per year. live&learn carefully checks the qualifications, motivation and interests of the applicants and supports them before departure and on site. live&learn has a long-standing partnership with the host organisations.

Participants experience socio-political challenges in a country of the Global South, actively contribute to positive social and ecological change and learn about global contexts and socio-political issues in their home countries from a new perspective.

live & learn integrates the online courses and learning programmes of give & grow into its own concept.

live and learn Logo

Rainbow Garden Village (RGV) offers responsible Volunteering and therefore aims to prepare future volunteers in the best way possible for their upcoming journey.

give & grow supports with the concept and implementation of the preparation seminar and offers important impulses around sustainable volunteering.

RGV Logo Rainbow Garden Village
Kathrin David Portrait Sonnenlicht Feld Köln

Kathrin David
Founder and CEO
of give & grow


give & grow is an online educational platform focused on sustainable travel and intercultural communication. We advocate for change in the volunteering, tourism and travel industries, while creating spaces for young people to connect. For more global understanding and dialogue. Our work is not-for-profit and all income generated goes back into our educational projects.

Learn more about us.

Travel of Tomorrow